{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

module Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism where

open import Algebra.Cost

costMonoid = ℕ-CostMonoid
open CostMonoid costMonoid using (; _+_)

open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Nat as Nat using (nat; zero; suc; _*_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as Nat
open import Data.Nat.Square
open import Calf.Data.List as List using (list; []; _∷_; [_]; _++_; length)
import Data.Fin as Fin
open import Calf.Data.Bool using (bool; false; true; if_then_else_)
open import Calf.Data.Product using (unit; _×⁺_)
open import Calf.Data.Equality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Calf.Data.IsBoundedG costMonoid
open import Calf.Data.IsBounded costMonoid
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Function

  branch : (X : tp⁻)  cmp X  cmp X  cmp X
  fail : (X : tp⁻)  cmp X

  branch/idˡ : {e : cmp X} 
    branch X (fail X) e  e
  branch/idʳ : {e : cmp X} 
    branch X e (fail X)  e
  branch/assoc : {e₀ e₁ e₂ : cmp X} 
    branch X (branch X e₀ e₁) e₂  branch X e₀ (branch X e₁ e₂)
  branch/comm : {e₀ e₁ : cmp X} 
    branch X e₀ e₁  branch X e₁ e₀
  branch/idem : {e : cmp X} 
    branch X e e  e

  branch/step : (c : ) {e₀ e₁ : cmp X} 
    step X c (branch X e₀ e₁)  branch X (step X c e₀) (step X c e₁)
  fail/step : (c : ) 
    step X c (fail X)  fail X

  bind/fail : {A : tp⁺} {f : val A  cmp X} 
    bind X (fail (F A)) f  fail X
  bind/branch : {A : tp⁺} {e₀ e₁ : cmp (F A)} {f : val A  cmp X} 
    bind X (branch (F A) e₀ e₁) f  branch X (bind X e₀ f) (bind X e₁ f)
  {-# REWRITE bind/fail bind/branch #-}

open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Comparable
module QuickSort (M : Comparable) where
  open Comparable M
  open import Examples.Sorting.Sequential.Core M

  choose : cmp $ Π (list A) λ l  F (Σ⁺ A λ pivot  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l'  meta⁺ (l  pivot  l'))
  choose []       = fail (F _)
  choose (x  xs) =
    branch (F _)
      (bind (F _) (choose xs) λ (pivot , l , xs↭pivot∷l)  ret (pivot , x  l , trans (prep x xs↭pivot∷l) (swap x pivot refl)))
      (ret (x , xs , refl))

  choose/cost : cmp $ Π (list A) λ _  cost
  choose/cost l = ret triv

  choose/is-bounded :  x xs  IsBoundedG _ (choose (x  xs)) (choose/cost (x  xs))
  choose/is-bounded x [] = ≤⁻-reflexive branch/idˡ
  choose/is-bounded x (x'  xs) =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
      branch (F unit) (bind (F unit) (choose (x'  xs)) λ _  ret triv) (ret triv)
    ≲⟨ ≤⁻-mono  e  branch (F unit) (bind (F unit) e λ _  ret triv) (ret triv)) (choose/is-bounded x' xs) 
      branch (F unit) (ret triv) (ret triv)
    ≡⟨ branch/idem 
      ret triv

  partition : cmp $ Π A λ pivot  Π (list A) λ l  F (Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  l))
  partition pivot []       = ret ([] , [] , [] , [] , refl)
  partition pivot (x  xs) =
    bind (F _) (partition pivot xs) λ (xs₁ , xs₂ , h₁ , h₂ , xs₁++xs₂↭xs) 
    bind (F _) (x ≤? pivot) $ case-≤
       x≤pivot  ret (x  xs₁ , xs₂ , x≤pivot  h₁ , h₂ , prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs))
       x≰pivot  ret (xs₁ , x  xs₂ , h₁ , ≰⇒≥ x≰pivot  h₂ , trans (shift-↭ x xs₁ xs₂) (prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs)))

  partition/cost : cmp $ Π A λ a  Π (list A) λ l  cost
  partition/cost _ l = step⋆ (length l)

  partition/is-bounded :  pivot l  IsBoundedG _ (partition pivot l) (partition/cost pivot l)
  partition/is-bounded pivot []       = ≤⁻-refl
  partition/is-bounded pivot (x  xs) =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
      ( bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs) λ (xs₁ , xs₂ , h₁ , h₂ , xs₁++xs₂↭xs) 
        bind (F unit) (x ≤? pivot) λ x≤?pivot 
        bind {Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  x  xs)} (F unit)
          ( case-≤
               x≤pivot  ret (x  xs₁ , xs₂ , x≤pivot  h₁ , h₂ , prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs))
               x≰pivot  ret (xs₁ , x  xs₂ , h₁ , ≰⇒≥ x≰pivot  h₂ , trans (shift-↭ x xs₁ xs₂) (prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs)))
           _  ret triv)
      ( Eq.cong (bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs)) $ funext λ (xs₁ , xs₂ , h₁ , h₂ , xs₁++xs₂↭xs) 
        Eq.cong (bind (F unit) (x ≤? pivot)) $ funext $
          {B = Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  x  xs)}
          {X = F unit}
          {f = λ _  ret triv}
           x≤pivot  ret (x  xs₁ , xs₂ , x≤pivot  h₁ , h₂ , prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs))
           x≰pivot  ret (xs₁ , x  xs₂ , h₁ , ≰⇒≥ x≰pivot  h₂ , trans (shift-↭ x xs₁ xs₂) (prep x xs₁++xs₂↭xs)))
      ( bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs) λ _ 
        bind (F unit) (x ≤? pivot) $ case-≤
           _  ret triv)
           _  ret triv)
      ( Eq.cong (bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs)) $ funext λ (xs₁ , xs₂ , h₁ , h₂ , xs₁++xs₂↭xs) 
        Eq.cong (bind (F unit) (x ≤? pivot)) $ funext $
        case-≤/idem (ret triv)
      ( bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs) λ _ 
        bind (F unit) (x ≤? pivot) λ _ 
        ret triv
      ( ≤⁻-mono
          {Π (Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  xs)) λ _  F unit}
          (bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs)) $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ _ 
        h-cost x pivot
      ( bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs) λ _ 
        step⋆ 1
      ( bind (F unit) (bind (F unit) (partition pivot xs) λ _  ret triv) λ _ 
        step⋆ 1
    ≲⟨ ≤⁻-mono  e  bind (F unit) (bind (F unit) e λ _  ret triv) λ _  step (F unit) 1 (ret triv)) (partition/is-bounded pivot xs) 
      ( bind (F unit) (step (F unit) (length xs) (ret triv)) λ _ 
        step⋆ 1
      step⋆ (length xs + 1)
    ≡⟨ Eq.cong step⋆ (Nat.+-comm (length xs) 1) 
      step⋆ (length (x  xs))

  sort : cmp $ Π (list A) λ _  F (list A)
  sort []       = ret []
  sort (x  xs) =
    bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
    bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
    bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ l₁' 
    bind (F _) (sort l₂) λ l₂' 
    ret (l₁' ++ [ x ] ++ l₂')

  sort/cost : cmp $ Π (list A) λ _  cost
  sort/cost l = step⋆ (length l ²)

  sort/arithmetic : (m n : val nat)  m ² + n ² Nat.≤ (m + n) ²
  sort/arithmetic m n =
    let open Nat.≤-Reasoning in
      m ² + n ²
    ≤⟨ Nat.+-mono-≤ (Nat.m≤m+n (m * m) (n * m)) (Nat.m≤n+m (n * n) (m * n)) 
      (m * m + n * m) + (m * n + n * n)
    ≡˘⟨ Eq.cong₂ _+_ (Nat.*-distribʳ-+ m m n) (Nat.*-distribʳ-+ n m n) 
      (m + n) * m + (m + n) * n
    ≡˘⟨ Nat.*-distribˡ-+ (m + n) m n 
      (m + n) * (m + n)

  sort/is-bounded :  l  IsBoundedG _ (sort l) (sort/cost l)
  sort/is-bounded []       = ≤⁻-refl
  sort/is-bounded (x  xs) =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ _ 
        bind (F _) (sort l₂) λ _ 
        ret triv
      ( ≤⁻-mono
          {Π (Σ⁺ A λ pivot  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l'  meta⁺ (x  xs  pivot  l')) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F unit) (choose (x  xs)))
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
            bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ _ 
            bind (F _) (sort l₂) λ _ 
            ret triv}
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
            bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ _ 
            step⋆ (length l₂ ²)} $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
          {Π (Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  l)) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F unit) (partition pivot l)) $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        ≤⁻-mono  e  bind (F unit) (sort l₁) λ _  e) $
        sort/is-bounded l₂
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ _ 
        step⋆ (length l₂ ²)
      ( ≤⁻-mono
          {Π (Σ⁺ A λ pivot  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l'  meta⁺ (x  xs  pivot  l')) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)))
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
            bind (F _) (sort l₁) λ _ 
            step⋆ (length l₂ ²)}
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
            step⋆ (length l₁ ² + length l₂ ²)} $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
          {Π (Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  l)) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F _) (partition pivot l)) $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        bind-irr-monoˡ-≤⁻ (sort/is-bounded l₁)
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        step⋆ (length l₁ ² + length l₂ ²)
      ( ≤⁻-mono
          {Π (Σ⁺ A λ pivot  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l'  meta⁺ (x  xs  pivot  l')) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)))
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
            step⋆ (length l₁ ² + length l₂ ²)}
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ _ 
            step⋆ (length l ²)} $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
          {Π (Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₁  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l₂  meta⁺ (All (_≤ pivot) l₁) ×⁺ meta⁺ (All (pivot ≤_) l₂) ×⁺ meta⁺ (l₁ ++ l₂  l)) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F _) (partition pivot l)) $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (l₁ , l₂ , h₁ , h₂ , l₁++l₂↭l) 
        ≤⁺-mono step⋆ $
        ≤⇒≤⁺ (Nat.≤-trans (sort/arithmetic (length l₁) (length l₂)) (Nat.≤-reflexive (Eq.cong  (Eq.trans (Eq.sym (length-++ l₁)) (↭-length l₁++l₂↭l)))))
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ _ 
        step⋆ (length l ²)
      ( ≤⁻-mono
          {Π (Σ⁺ A λ pivot  Σ⁺ (list A) λ l'  meta⁺ (x  xs  pivot  l')) λ _  F unit}
          {F unit}
          (bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)))
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            bind (F _) (partition pivot l) λ _ 
            step⋆ (length l ²)}
           (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
            step⋆ (length l + length l ²)} $
        λ-mono-≤⁻ λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        bind-irr-monoˡ-≤⁻ (partition/is-bounded pivot l)
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        step⋆ (length l + length l ²)
      ( Eq.cong (bind (F _) (choose (x  xs))) $ funext λ (pivot , l , x∷xs↭pivot∷l) 
        Eq.cong  c  step⋆ (c + c ²)) {length xs} {length l} (Eq.cong Nat.pred (↭-length x∷xs↭pivot∷l))
      ( bind (F _) (choose (x  xs)) λ _ 
        step⋆ (length xs + length xs ²)
    ≲⟨ bind-irr-monoˡ-≤⁻ (choose/is-bounded x xs) 
      step⋆ (length xs + length xs ²)
    ≲⟨ step⋆-mono-≤⁻ (Nat.+-mono-≤ (Nat.n≤1+n (length xs)) (Nat.*-monoʳ-≤ (length xs) (Nat.n≤1+n (length xs)))) 
      step⋆ (length (x  xs) + length xs * length (x  xs))
      step⋆ (length (x  xs) ²)

module Lookup {A : tp⁺} where
  lookup : cmp $ Π (list A) λ _  Π nat λ _  F A
  lookup []       i       = fail (F _)
  lookup (x  xs) zero    = ret x
  lookup (x  xs) (suc i) = step (F _) 1 (lookup xs i)

  lookup/bound : cmp $ Π (list A) λ _  Π nat λ _  F A
  lookup/bound l i with i Nat.<? length l
  ... | yes p = step (F _) i (ret (List.lookup l (Fin.fromℕ< p)))
  ... | no _  = fail (F _)

  lookup/is-bounded : (l : val (list A)) (i : val nat)  lookup l i ≤⁻[ F A ] lookup/bound l i
  lookup/is-bounded l i with i Nat.<? length l
  ... | yes p = lemma l i p
      lemma : (l : val (list A)) (i : val nat) (p : i Nat.< length l)  lookup l i ≤⁻[ F A ] step (F _) i (ret (List.lookup l (Fin.fromℕ< p)))
      lemma (x  xs) zero (Nat.s≤s Nat.z≤n) = ≤⁻-refl
      lemma (x  xs) (suc i) (Nat.s≤s p) = ≤⁻-mono (step (F _) 1) (lemma xs i p)
  ... | no ¬p = lemma l i (Nat.≮⇒≥ ¬p)
      lemma : (l : val (list A)) (i : val nat)  i Nat.≥ length l  lookup l i ≤⁻[ F A ] fail (F A)
      lemma []       i       Nat.z≤n     = ≤⁻-refl
      lemma (x  xs) (suc i) (Nat.s≤s p) =
        let open ≤⁻-Reasoning (F _) in
          step (F _) 1 (lookup xs i)
        ≲⟨ ≤⁻-mono (step (F _) 1) (lemma xs i p) 
          step (F _) 1 (fail (F _))
        ≡⟨ fail/step 1 
          fail (F _)

module Pervasive where
  e : cmp $ F bool
  e =
    branch (F bool)
      (step (F bool) 3 (ret true))
      (step (F bool) 12 (ret false))

  e/is-bounded : e ≤⁻[ F bool ] step (F bool) 12 (branch (F bool) (ret true) (ret false))
  e/is-bounded =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning (F bool) in
      branch (F bool)
        (step (F bool) 3 (ret true))
        (step (F bool) 12 (ret false))
         e  branch (F bool) e (step (F bool) 12 (ret false)))
        (step-monoˡ-≤⁻ {F bool} (ret true) (Nat.s≤s (Nat.s≤s (Nat.s≤s Nat.z≤n))))
      branch (F bool)
        (step (F bool) 12 (ret true))
        (step (F bool) 12 (ret false))
    ≡˘⟨ branch/step 12 
      step (F bool) 12 (branch (F bool) (ret true) (ret false))

  e/is-bounded' : IsBounded bool e 12
  e/is-bounded' =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning (F unit) in
      bind (F unit) e  _  ret triv)
    ≲⟨ ≤⁻-mono  e  bind (F _) e  _  ret triv)) e/is-bounded 
      bind (F unit) (step (F bool) 12 (branch (F bool) (ret true) (ret false)))  _  ret triv)
      step (F unit) 12 (branch (F unit) (ret triv) (ret triv))
    ≡⟨ Eq.cong (step (F unit) 12) branch/idem 
      step⋆ 12