{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Algebra.Cost

-- Upper bound on the cost of a computation.

module Calf.Data.IsBounded (costMonoid : CostMonoid) where

open CostMonoid costMonoid

open import Calf.Prelude
open import Calf.CBPV
open import Calf.Directed
open import Calf.Step costMonoid

open import Calf.Data.IsBoundedG costMonoid

IsBounded : (A : tp⁺)  cmp (F A)    Set
IsBounded A e c = IsBoundedG A e (step⋆ c)

bound/relax : {c c' : }  c  c'  {e : cmp (F A)}  IsBounded A e c  IsBounded A e c'
bound/relax h {e = e} = boundg/relax (step-monoˡ-≤⁻ (ret triv) h) {e = e}

bound/ret : {A : tp⁺} (a : val A)  IsBounded A (ret a) zero
bound/ret a = ≤⁻-refl

bound/step : {A : tp⁺} (c : ) {c' : } (e : cmp (F A)) 
  IsBounded A e c' 
  IsBounded A (step (F A) c e) (c + c')
bound/step c {c'} e h = boundg/step c {b = step⋆ c'} e h

bound/bind/const : {e : cmp (F A)} {f : val A  cmp (F B)}
  (c d : ) 
  IsBounded A e c 
  ((a : val A)  IsBounded B (f a) d) 
  IsBounded B (bind {A} (F B) e f) (c + d)
bound/bind/const {e = e} {f} c d he hf =
  let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
    bind cost e  v  bind cost (f v)  _  ret triv))
  ≲⟨ bind-monoʳ-≤⁻ e hf 
    bind cost e  _  step⋆ d)
    bind cost (bind cost e λ _  ret triv)  _  step⋆ d)
  ≲⟨ bind-monoˡ-≤⁻  _  step⋆ d) he 
    bind cost (step⋆ c)  _  step⋆ d)
    step⋆ (c + d)

module Legacy where
  open import Calf.Data.Product
  open import Calf.Data.Equality

  legacy : {e : cmp (F A)} {c : } 
    val (Σ⁺ ℂ⁺ λ c'  meta⁺ (c'  c) ×⁺ Σ⁺ A λ a  e ≡⁺[ U (F A) ] step (F A) c' (ret a)) 
    IsBounded A e c
  legacy {A} {e} {c} (c' , c'≤c , a , e≡step-ret) =
    let open ≤⁻-Reasoning cost in
      bind cost e  _  ret triv)
    ≡⟨ cong  e  bind cost e  _  ret triv)) e≡step-ret 
      bind cost (step (F A) c' (ret a))  _  ret triv)
      step⋆ c'
    ≲⟨ step-monoˡ-≤⁻ (ret triv) c'≤c 
      step⋆ c