Petits et gros topos en géométrie algébrique
by ,
translated by Jonathan Sterling
This is a translation of (Coste & Michon, 1981). Division into nodes ending in alphabetic indices (like 1.2.3·a) are added by the translator, as are the titles of these nodes. Nodes ending in numerical indices (like 1.2.3) come from the source text.
The theory of spectra exposed in the thesis of the first author (Coste, 1979) is not at first very pleasant. The goal of this text is to briefly present a different approach. This approach has been developed by the second author — influenced by the lecture “Algebraic groups” by Gabriel and Demazure — in unpublished notes. It intersects with the considerations of Joyal on local homeomorphisms in a topos. We finish by showing how the real étale topos is naturally introduced in this context.
The point of view adopted here is clearly geometrical. The construction of spectra then appears as a means to represent affine varieties and varieties obtained from them by a formal gluing process as ringed or “locally ringed” topoi of a certain type (cf. schemes, étale topoi of a scheme, or the algebraic spaces of Artin). We hope that this gives the theory a less indigestible character.
In everything that follows, $k$ denotes a base commutative ring and $M$ denotes the category of affine algebraic varieties over $k$, i.e. the opposite of the category of finitely presented $k$-algebras.
1. The étalés [000M]
We will fix in $M$ a set $\ET$ of morphisms that we want to think of like local isomorphisms. In the examples that we shall consider, these will be either open immersions or étale morphisms. The morphisms of $\ET$ shall be called elementary étalés. We assume that they satisfy the following properties, which are natural given how we think of them, and satisfied by both open immersions and étale morphisms.
- Every isomorphism is an elementary étalé.
- The composition of two elementary étalés is an elementary étalé.
- The elementary étalés are stable under change of base.
- If both $u\circ v$ and $v$ are elementary étalés, then so is $u$.
In the terminology of Bénabou, $\ET$ is a calibration in $M$.
The elementary étalés are used to make coverings: we will associate to each affine variety $V$ a set of families of elementary étalés over $V$ that are the covers of $V$. We conventionally ask that isomorphisms are covering, and that coverings are stable under change of base and that they have local character.
We are then in possession of a localization datum on $M$. A localization datum is therefore nothing more than a Grothendieck topology on $M$ in which we have specified the morphisms that are used to make the covers. In algebraic geometry there are well-known localization datums: the Zariski topology with open immersions, and the étale topology with étale morphisms.
Let $\Sh{M}$ be the topos of sheaves on $M$ with the topology of the localization datum. We denote by $\Yo : M \to \Sh{M}$ the canonical functor. The objects of $\Sh{M}$ are obtained by gluing of affine varieties; the method of gluing is specified by the topology on $M$.
Let us now choose an affine variety $V$. Let $\ET/V$ be the full subcategory of $M/V$ spanned elementary étalés over $V$. $\ET/V$ inherits a Grothendieck topology from the localization datum. Let $\Sh{\ET/V}$ be the topos of sheaves for this topology. The objects of $\Sh{\ET/V}$ are obtained by gluing elementary étalés over $V$; it is thus natural to think of them as the étalés over $V$.
The immersion $i:\ET/V\hookrightarrow M/V$ is left exact, continuous and cocontinuous (Artin et al., 1972). It extends into an immersion
which will allow us to identify the étalés over $V$ with objects of $\Sh{M}$ over $V$. $\Sum{i}$ is left exact, and has a right adjoint $i^\sharp$ (the associated “étalé” functor) which itself has a right adjoint $\Prod{i}$. We therefore have two geometric morphisms
and the composite $i^\sharp\circ\Sum{i}$ is isomorphic to the identity.
The relation between $\Sh{\ET/V}$ and $\Sh{M}/\Yo{V}$ is the same as the one between the little topos and the big topos of a topological space (Artin et al., 1972, sec. IV.4.10). There is also in SGA4 an exercise whose content is more or less what we have just said. (Puzzle: find a point in common between La Samaritaine and SGA 4.)
La Samaritaine is a Parisian department store, at which “you can find anything”. Thanks to François Loeser for explaining the reference.
We know what the étalés on an affine variety are. The étalés on any object $X$ of $\Sh{M}$ are defined to be the morphisms $Y\to X$ whose inverse image by each morphism $\Yo{V}\to X$ is étalé over $V$. The étalés have properties 1–4 of étalés elementaires. They also obtain a local character: if $\prn{X_i\to X}\Sub{j\in J}$ is a covering family, $Y\to X$ is étalé when each $Y\times_X X_j\to X_j$ is.
We now come to the notion of a variety with respect to a localization datum. A variety is an object $X$ of $\Sh{M}$ that is covered by affine varieties that are étalé over $X$. The advantage of varieties in comparison to other objects of $\Sh{M}$ is: if $X$ is a variety, let $\ET/X$ be the full subcategory of $M/X$ spanned by affine étalés over $X$. $\Sh{\ET/X}$ is the topos of étale’s over $X$ (we may remark that if $Y$ is étalé over a variety $X$, then $Y$ is also a variety). We have the same functors $\Sum{i}$, $i^\sharp$, and $\Prod{i}$ between the little topos $\Sh{\ET/X}$ and the big topos $\Sh{M}/X$.
2. Representation of a variety as a “locally” ringed topos [000X]
To begin, we must first specify what a “local” ring is. Let $\StrTop{\ETop}$ be a topos ringed in $k$-algebras. It [trans.: $\Str{\ETop}$] can be identified with a left exact functor $M\to \ETop$ that sends an affine variety $V$ to the object $V\prn{\Str{\ETop}}$ of $\Str{\ETop}$-points of $V$. $\StrTop{\ETop}$ will be “local” if the functor is continuous for the topology on $M$, i.e. if whenever $\prn{U_i\to V}\Sub{i\in I}$ is a covering, the family
is surjective. In the case of the Zariski topology, this gives the local rings (without quotation marks) and in the case of the étale topology it gives the strict local rings (or Henselian local rings with a separably closed residue field).
We have translated the original “henséliens de corps résiduel séparablement clos” as “Henselian [local rings] with a separably closed residue field”. These objects are referred to in other sources as “strict Henselian rings”.
$\Sh{M}$ is the classifying topos of “local” $k$-algebras, which is to say that the data of a topos $\StrTop{\ETop}$ ringed in “local” $k$-algebras amounts to that of a geometric morphism $\ETop\to\Sh{M}$ whose inverse image functor associates to an object $X$ of $\Sh{M}$ the object $X\prn{\Str{\ETop}}$ of $\Str{\ETop}$-points of $X$. Note that to give an $\Str{\ETop}$-point $p:1\to X\prn{\Str{\ETop}}$ of $X$ amounts to giving a factorization
Let $\StrTop{\ETop}$ and $\StrTop{\FTop}$ be two topoi ringed in local $k$-algebras. A morphism from $\StrTop{\ETop}$ to $\StrTop{\FTop}$ is a geometric morphism $\phi : \ETop\to \FTop$ together with a morphism of $k$-algebras $f : \InvImg{\phi}\Str{\FTop}\to \Str{\ETop}$. This morphism will be “local” if for each elementary étalé $U\to V$ the square
is cartesian. We thus recover the local morphisms (without quotation marks) for the two localization data already considered.
2·d. The representation [0012]
We now come to the representation of a variety $X$ as a “locally” ringed topos. The greater part of the work is already done. We have constructed the topos $\Sh{\ET/X}$ and a geometric morphism
which gives the desired “local” $k$-algebra. Explanation: the generic “local” $k$-algebra in $\Sh{M}$ is $\Yo{\AffLine}$, the affine line with its structure sheaf. Its inverse image in $\Sh{M}/X$ is $\Yo{\AffLine}\times X\to X$. We will write $\Str{X}$ for the associated étalé over $X$. Let $Y$ be an étalé variety on $X$. The sections of $\Str{X}$ over $Y$ are exactly the morphisms from $Y$ to $\Yo{\AffLine}$ in the topos $\Sh{M}$, i.e. the “functions” on $Y$. Thus with a localization datum comes a notion of function and $\Str{X}$ must be seen as the sheaf of functions on $X$. For the two known localization data, the functions are the regular functions.
We have thus constructed from the variety $X$ a topos $\prn{\Sh{\ET/X},\Str{X}}$ ringed in “local” $k$-algebras. The following properties show that this is a good representation:
Let $\StrTop{\ETop}$ be a topos ringed in “local” $k$-algebras. There is a bijection (if we drop “up to isomorphism”) between $\Str{\ETop}$-points of $X$ and local morphisms from $\StrTop{\ETop}$ to $\prn{\Sh{\ET/X},\Str{X}}$. If $X=\Yo{V}$, an $\Str{\ETop}$-point of $X$ is a morphism of $k$-algebras from $k[V]$ to $\GSec\StrTop{\ETop}$ and we recognize here the universal property of the spectrum.
It is happening like this: fix $p:1\to X\prn{\Str{\ETop}}$. We obtain a geometric morphism
$$ \ETop\to\Sh{M}/X\to \Sh{\ET/X}\text{.} $$Let $\Str{X,p}$ be the inverse image of $\Str{X}$ under this morphism; $\Str{X,p}$ is the “local” ring of $X$ at $p$, and we have a “local” morphism $\Str{X,p}\to\Str{\ETop}$. The latter comes from the natural transformation $\Sum{i}\circ i^\sharp \Rightarrow \Idn$:
To show that we have a bijection, it suffices to observe that if we have a “local” morphism $f:\Str{\ETop}\to \Str{\ETop}\tick$, an $\Str{\ETop}$-point $p$ of $X$ and its image $q$ under $f$, the local rings $\Str{X,p}$ and $\Str{X,q}$ are isomorphic:
$f$ local entails $f\cdot\Sum{i}$ iso.
Let $Y$ be another variety. There is a bijection between the morphisms from $X$ to $Y$ in $\Sh{M}$ and the local morphisms from $\prn{\Sh{\ET/X},\Str{X}}$ to $\prn{\Sh{\ET/Y},\Str{Y}}$.
3. The real étale topos [0013]
If we place ourselves over an algebraically closed base field $k$, the étale localization datum can be described like so: the elementary étalés are the étale morphisms and the coverings are the families of étale morphisms $\prn{U\Sub{i}\to V}\Sub{i\in I}$ such that $U\Sub{i}\prn{k}$ covers $V\prn{k}$. Replacing $k$ simply with a real closed field (for example $\RR$) we obtain the real étale localization datum. The real étale topos of a variety is the little topos that we have constructed. The “local” rings are the Henselian local rings with real closed residue field, the “local” morphisms are the ordinary local morphisms, and the functions associated to the localization datum are the Nash functions (or the analytic-algebraic ones). One remarkable particularity is the fact that the real étale topos is a topos of sheaves on a topological space. For more details, see (Coste & Roy, 1981); for the moment, only the case of affine varieties is treated explicitly.
To conclude, we can remark that — apart from geometrical terminology — the only aspect of $M$ that we have utilized is the fact that it is a small category having finite projective limits. We therefore have here an all-purpose formalism which could be useful in domains other than classical or real algebraic geometry.
Coste, M., & Michon, G. (1981). Petits et gros topos en géométrie algébrique. Cahiers De Topologie Et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 22(1), 25–30.
Coste, M. (1979). Localization, spectra, and sheaf representation (Vol. 753). Springer.Details
Artin, M., Grothendieck, A., & Verdier, J.-L. (1972). Théorie des topos et cohomologie étale des schémas (Vols. 269, 270, 305). Springer-Verlag.Details
Coste, M., & Roy, M.-F. (1981). Le topos étale réel d’un anneau. Cahiers De Topologie Et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 22(1), 19–24.