{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Algebra.Cost
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Examples.Sorting.Comparable

module Examples.Sorting.Core
  (costMonoid : CostMonoid) (fromℕ :   CostMonoid.ℂ costMonoid)
  (M : Comparable costMonoid fromℕ)

open Comparable M

open import Calf costMonoid hiding (A)
open import Calf.Data.Product using (_×⁺_)
open import Calf.Data.List using (list; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_; [_]; length; _++_; reverse)

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; ; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Sum using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; zero; suc; z≤n; s≤s; _+_; _*_; _^_; ⌊_/2⌋; ⌈_/2⌉)
import Data.Nat.Properties as N

open import Data.List.Properties using (++-assoc; length-++) public

open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional public
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties
  using (↭-length; ¬x∷xs↭[]; All-resp-↭; Any-resp-↭; drop-∷; ++-identityʳ)
  renaming (++-comm to ++-comm-↭; ++⁺ˡ to ++⁺ˡ-↭; ++⁺ʳ to ++⁺ʳ-↭; ++⁺ to ++⁺-↭; shift to shift-↭) public

open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_; map; lookup) public
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties as AllP using () renaming (++⁺ to ++⁺-All) public
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)

_≤*_ : val A  val (list A)  Set
_≤*_ x = All (x ≤_)

≤-≤* :  {x₁ x₂ l}  x₁  x₂  x₂ ≤* l  x₁ ≤* l
≤-≤* x₁≤x₂ = map (≤-trans x₁≤x₂)

data Sorted : val (list A)  Set where
  [] : Sorted []
  _∷_ :  {y ys}  y ≤* ys  Sorted ys  Sorted (y  ys)

sorted : val (list A)  tp⁺
sorted l = meta⁺ (Sorted l)

short-sorted : {l : val (list A)}  length l Nat.≤ 1  Sorted l
short-sorted {[]} _ = []
short-sorted {_  []} _ = []  []
short-sorted {_  _  _} (s≤s ())

unique-sorted :  {l'₁ l'₂}  Sorted l'₁  Sorted l'₂  l'₁  l'₂  l'₁  l'₂
unique-sorted []             []              = refl
unique-sorted []             (h₂  sorted₂)  = contradiction (↭-sym ) ¬x∷xs↭[]
unique-sorted (h₁  sorted₁) []              = contradiction () ¬x∷xs↭[]
unique-sorted (h₁  sorted₁) (h₂  sorted₂)  with
    (lookup (≤-refl  h₁) (Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym ) (here refl)))
    (lookup (≤-refl  h₂) (Any-resp-↭ () (here refl)))
... | refl = Eq.cong (_ ∷_) (unique-sorted sorted₁ sorted₂ (drop-∷ ))

join-sorted :  {l₁ mid l₂}  Sorted l₁  Sorted l₂  All (_≤ mid) l₁  All (mid ≤_) l₂  Sorted (l₁ ++ [ mid ] ++ l₂)
join-sorted []            sorted₂ all₁        all₂ = all₂  sorted₂
join-sorted (h  sorted₁) sorted₂ (h'  all₁) all₂ =
  ++⁺-All h (h'  ≤-≤* h' all₂)  (join-sorted sorted₁ sorted₂ all₁ all₂)

++⁻ˡ :  xs {ys}  Sorted (xs ++ ys)  Sorted xs
++⁻ˡ []       sorted       = []
++⁻ˡ (x  xs) (h  sorted) = AllP.++⁻ˡ xs h  (++⁻ˡ xs sorted)

++⁻ʳ :  xs {ys}  Sorted (xs ++ ys)  Sorted ys
++⁻ʳ []       sorted       = sorted
++⁻ʳ (x  xs) (h  sorted) = ++⁻ʳ xs sorted

split-sorted₁ :  xs {x}  Sorted (xs ∷ʳ x)  All (_≤ x) xs
split-sorted₁ []       sorted       = []
split-sorted₁ (x  xs) (h  sorted) = proj₂ (AllP.∷ʳ⁻ h)  split-sorted₁ xs sorted

uncons₁ :  {x xs}  Sorted (x  xs)  x ≤* xs
uncons₁ (h  sorted) = h

uncons₂ :  {x xs}  Sorted (x  xs)  Sorted xs
uncons₂ (h  sorted) = sorted

sorted-of : val (list A)  val (list A)  tp⁺
sorted-of l l' = meta⁺ (l  l') ×⁺ (sorted l')

sort-result : val (list A)  tp⁺
sort-result l = Σ⁺ (list A) (sorted-of l)

sorting : tp⁻
sorting = Π (list A) λ l  F (sort-result l)

record Valuable {A : tp⁺} (e : cmp (F A)) : Set where
  constructor ↓_
    {value} : val A
    proof : e  ret value

IsValuable : {A : tp⁺}  cmp (F A)  Set
IsValuable e =  (Valuable e)

IsTotal : cmp sorting  Set
IsTotal sort = (l : val (list A))  IsValuable (sort l)

-- discard proofs, which may be different
_algorithm : cmp sorting  cmp (Π (list A) λ _  F (list A))
_algorithm sort l = bind (F (list A)) (sort l) λ (l' , _)  ret l'

IsSort⇒≡ :  sort₁  IsTotal sort₁   sort₂  IsTotal sort₂   (sort₁ algorithm  sort₂ algorithm)
IsSort⇒≡ sort₁ total₁ sort₂ total₂ u =
  funext λ l 
    let (l₁' , l↭l₁' , sorted₁) = Valuable.value (total₁ l u) in
    let (l₂' , l↭l₂' , sorted₂) = Valuable.value (total₂ l u) in
      (sort₁ algorithm) l
    ≡⟨ Eq.cong  e  bind (F (list A)) e λ (l' , _)  ret l') (Valuable.proof (total₁ l u)) 
      ret l₁'
    ≡⟨ Eq.cong ret (unique-sorted sorted₁ sorted₂ (trans (↭-sym l↭l₁') l↭l₂')) 
      ret l₂'
    ≡˘⟨ Eq.cong  e  bind (F (list A)) e λ (l' , _)  ret l') (Valuable.proof (total₂ l u)) 
      (sort₂ algorithm) l
      where open ≡-Reasoning