An elementary topos is a category $\ECat$ satisfying the following conditions:
- $\ECat$ inductive and finite projective limits;
- $\ECat$ admits exponentials: for each $A\in \Ob{\ECat}$, the functor $(-)\times A : \ECat\to\ECat$ admits a right adjoint, written $\prn{-}\Sup{A}$;
- $\ECat$ has an arrow $v : \ObjTerm{\ECat}\to \Omega$ that for each $X\in \Ob{\ECat}$ the arrows from $X$ to $\Omega$ give by fibered product with $v$ exactly the subobjects of $X$.
We can reduce these axiomatics, as recent work by A. Kock and Ch. Mikkelson (Hurd & Loeb, 1974) has shown, and describe for example in the manner of F.W. Lawvere (Lawvere, 1972) an elementary topos as a cartesian closed category in which the notion of a subobject is representable.
Kock, A., & Mikkelsen, C. J. (1974). Topos-theoretic factorization of non-standard extensions. In A. Hurd & P. Loeb (Eds.), Victoria Symposium on Nonstandard Analysis (pp. 122–143). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Details
Lawvere, F. W. (1972). Introduction. In F. W. Lawvere (Ed.), Toposes, Algebraic Geometry and Logic (pp. 1–12). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Details